Hi and welcome to Rivera's Groove Box! This blog is all about good music. No specific genre limitations. Here you'll find reviews and posts of all kinds of music that the author of this blog feels deserves to be mentioned with a good word. The reviews and articles are going to be in estonian and english, because that's the languages the author of this blog feels most comfortable with.
Tere tulemast Rivera's Groove Box muusikablogisse! See blogi on pühendatud heale muusikale. Ei mingeid žanrilisi piiranguid. Siit saab edaspidi lugeda postitusi ja retsensioone kõiksuguse muusika kohta mida selle blogi autor arvab, et väärib hea sõnaga mainimist. Postitused hakkavad olema eesti ja inglise keeles, sest need on keeled millega blogi autor end mugavalt tunneb.
Let's kick it off with something really smooth and sweet, hit it Patrice:
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