Conspiracy Dubz is an upcoming hot UK garage talent who is mostly known for his very limited vinyl releases. Very nice tracks, which definitely need a wider release, so all garage heads worldwide can enjoy his music. His productions are serious heavyweight ammo for the crate!
laupäev, 26. veebruar 2022
neljapäev, 24. veebruar 2022
From Rivera's Groove Box #435: Greg Cash - Trax Of Joy
Greg Cash played an important role influencing the funky and deep garage house sound and making it bigger in the UK and US scene, especially with his label Bumpin' City Records. Even when being semi-retired from the music biz, he is still loved by many. But I myself discovered his music from a second hand records yard sale. It was a good day.
pühapäev, 13. veebruar 2022
From Rivera's Groove Box #434: Barrio Debajo - I Need Ya
Early New York house influenced cut from Phil Asher, most people probably went for the A-side main track, "Gotta Let Yourself Go", which sampled the fabulous "Get Down On Saturday Night" from Oliver Cheatham. Overall described as a sleeper hit from active DJs from that era.
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